Holler! 131: Bibimbap, Bucket Lists, & Big Horse Ducks with Kaiju Studios

Anthony (Quack Nicholson) and Tommy (Quackie Chan) of the band Menace Mary join us from Litchfield Park, AZ. Nerd out with Dragon Ball Z and retro video game banter while we all get spicy random weird with the newly infamous #PollBowl. Tommy is sans gallbladder and Anthony hates the original Super Mario which leads to their first official fight as a band. Come eat shit (Tommy’s dinner) with us! As always, we are proudly powered by CAMO ENERGY aka the only caffeine you’ll ever need for the rest of your life. Guest and sponsor links below. 



Kaiju Studios / Menace Mary



Insta: menacemaryofficial

TikTok: iambannd, menacemaryband

Brian Ball