Holler! 120: ALIENS! Starring the Hot Tub Rhyme Machine feat. Dylan Smith
Randy Moss Sauce is ketchup and ranch mixed together, I got money on it, fucks with me. Hang out with us, #HollerNation, and our guest Dylan Smith, a.k.a. Dylegacy, proprietor of Good Trouble LLC and creator of films, music videos, and the mastermind behind Shelem's vibing-ass "Find Your Wrappiness" commercials. We introduce a new segment (and need your help naming it!) and talk about our Oreo cookie rituals, and bring back #ShotsFired because we fucking need to. Ketchup makes everything taste better, who do you think you're kidding? Children know best, get your shit together, Randall. #FairFood #BigPileOfCream #SoggyDunker #PutDiaperChangingTablesInAllBathrooms